пробовал вот так прописать
$c->innerJoin('modTemplateVarResource', "tematic", "tematic.contentid = {$this->classKey}.id AND tematic.tmplvarid = 14 AND find_in_set('{$tematic}', '{str_replace('||', ',', tematic.value)}' )");
На выходе получаю
2015-05-01 17:37:37] (ERROR @ /index.php) modSiteWebGetlistProcessor [2015-05-01 17:37:37] (ERROR @ /index.php) Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1064 [2] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ( `modResource`.`deleted` = 0 AND `modResource`.`hidemenu` = 0 AND `modRe' at line 1 ) [2015-05-01 17:37:37] (ERROR @ /index.php) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `modResource`.`id`) FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` JOIN `modx_shopmodx_products` `Product` ON `modResource`.`id` = `Product`.`resource_id` JOIN `modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` `tematic` ON WHERE ( `modResource`.`deleted` = 0 AND `modResource`.`hidemenu` = 0 AND `modResource`.`published` = 1 )